Tuesday 17 April 2012

Blog Entry #3: It's family thai! (Orkid Thai Restaurant)


The third and final place we decided to invade was somewhere a little less in Sunway and a little more unknown. Since Nirmala and I (Shahnaz) didn’t get a chance to join everyone else to the T-Bowl restaurant, we decided to have a little expedition all on our lonesome, at least that way we’ll have all the fun, I mean workload, evenly distributed.

The name of the restaurant, Orchid, flows well with the theme of what it serves, Thai food! I’m sure many of you didn’t even know that the unofficial national flower of Thailand was in fact an Orchid! 

This family oriented restaurant is placed in Seksyen 9, Shah Alam, near the Concorde Hotel. That if you were driving by without having that certain address typed into your GPS, you’d most likely miss it completely. Frankly speaking, the outer exterior of the restaurant doesn’t have the immediate ‘wow factor’ that most other restaurants of today have, like bright colours, an interesting gimmick or classy appearance.

Now before you whip out your iPhones and Blackberrys stating posts on Twitter or Facebook complaining about the place. Step inside and get ready to place your taste buds on a nice, delicious journey.

As said, the restaurant is family oriented which to the restaurant stands for big tables. The tables there have at the smallest is a table for 6 and at the largest is a table for 12. The time that we went there was around lunch time on a weekend, where I can assume that most families have some sort of family activity. Being the reason why not many people were there, but take my word when I say that usually at night the place will be packed full of people, conversations and a warm bustling atmosphere. It’s the kind of place you go to with family when mom wants to have a break from cooking dinner every night.

Tables, chairs - the usual surroundings of a restaurant.

The establishment doesn’t have many eye grabbing attractions, save for well placed décor, because the main idea is to eat and enjoy the food, the entertainment they offer is the loss of distraction (like giant flat screen televisions) and a gain of family communication.

A painting of a fisherman's village hung on the wall.

As soon as you come in they will immediately direct you to a table, then place light snacks of peanuts and crackers on the table to nibble on while waiting for the meal. The service was fast, efficient and helpful! When we were caught in our decision making on which fish (the main attraction) to get, our waiter looked through what we had already ordered and made a suggestion that he said would complement the meal. Guess what? It did :)

Nirmala: "Hmm, decisions, decisions ..."

They even helped take pictures for us, probably thinking that we were one of those picture-aholics. After the meal even, when we were checking the receipt to know how much we have to divide it between us, we saw they charged us for a minor item which we didn’t use, they immediately apologized for the mistake and did a redo on the receipt.

The both of us having a splendid time at Orchid. *cheers*

So both of us had a nice lunch of, Three Flavoured Fish, Mango Kerabu, Tom Yum Fishball and, of course a necessity in almost every Asian meal, Rice. Since the average meal goers of the restaurant are around a small party of 6, the portion was way too much for the both of us, so considering the portion and price we’d have to say that we struck a pretty good deal and plenty of left over’s for dinner. All in all it was a fun little adventure for the both of us and not to mention stomach filling, and that my friends, is that…. Or is it?

Three Flavoured Fish recommended by the waiter.

Shahnaz is so very tempted. *saliva drops*

The so very famous traditional thai dish - Mango Kerabu! 

And of course, definitely the-not-to-be-missed Tom Yum Fishball! 

Bon appetit! 

Wait! Wait! Another interesting thing I think you’d like to know about the restaurant would be that the food they serve is unbelievably fresh! When we were through with our meal, we discovered that they kept live fish, crabs and other sea critters in tanks on the lower floor of their restaurant, just waiting to be made into a dish at the announcement of an order. 

Shahnaz poking around at the fishes bubbling in the aquarium tanks.

Nirmala grinning at the crabs: "You shall be my next big feast!"

So we know for a fact they really mean it when they say they serve fresh fish.
 Too bad for the fish though :P

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